Located in Leawood, Kansas, Midwest Hemorrhoid Treatment Center, LLC provides hemorrhoid and colorectal treatment care as well as colonoscopies for patients in the greater Kansas City metropolitan area. Our team of board-certified, highly trained physicians is skilled at providing relief to our patients using the latest and most effective surgical and also noninvasive techniques.
What is a Hemorrhoid?
Hemorrhoids consist of both arteries and veins in the rectum which can become engorged or inflamed due to an increase in venous pressure.
What Causes Hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids are caused by increased pressure in the hemorrhoid system of vessels. These vessels can become dilated when exposed to chronic or intermittent pressure.
Hemorrhoids may become symptomatic as a result of activities that cause an increase in venous pressure. Pregnancy, constipation, prolonged sitting, obesity, low-fiber diet, physical exertion, and straining during bowel movements all may contribute to the exacerbation of hemorrhoids.
Symptoms of Internal Hemorrhoids
The most common symptoms of internal hemorrhoids are painless bleeding and protruding bulge. There are many types of anorectal pathology that can cause rectal bleeding. It is imperative to notify your Physician immediately if you have this symptom so the cause can be determined. Symptomatic hemorrhoids are often associated with discharge, rectal itching, tissue prolapse, and aching after a bowel movement.
Symptoms of External Hemorrhoids
External hemorrhoids develop near the anus and are covered by very sensitive skin. These are usually painless. However, if a blood clot (thrombosis) develops in an external hemorrhoid, it becomes a painful hard lump. The external hemorrhoid may bleed if it ruptures.
Your Source for Hemorrhoid Pain Relief in the Greater Kansas City Area
Why live with painful hemorrhoids when there are effective solutions available to this common problem? Do not be embarrassed to seek treatment, and discuss your condition with the caring and sensitive doctors at Midwest Hemorrhoid Treatment Center. Give us a call at (913) 451-0600 to arrange a private consultation with one of our Physicians. Or, use our secure, online request an appointment form to arrange your visit.